Gardens for Wildlife - NWF

Gardens for Wildlife - National Wildlife Federation .org

Illinois Plants for Wildlife Habitat & Conservation Landscaping


Large - Eastern Red Cedar; Eastern White Pine; Silver, Soft, Sugar, Hard, Rock and White Maple; River and Red Birch; Northern Pin, Shingle, Bur, Chinquapin, Yellow Chestnut, White and Bur Oak; Shagbark, Shellbark, Mockernut, and White Hickory; Hackberry; Butternut, Black Walnut, American Beech; White and Green Ash; Common Honey Locust; Sweet, Black and Red Gum; Yellow and Tulip Poplar; Eastern Cottonwood; Black Cherry; Black Willow

Medium/Small - Serviceberry, Eastern Redbud, Wild Plum, Pie Cherry, Amur Chokecherry, Common Chokecherry, Eastern Red Cedar, Juneberry; Shadbush; Paw Paw; American Hornbeam; Flowering Dogwood; Winterberry Prairie and Iowa Crab Apple


Summer food--Highbush Blackberry, Northern Dewberry, Black Raspberry, Red Raspberry, American Elderberry, Lowbush Blueberry, Highbush Blueberry, Lingenberry, Fall food--Red-osier Dogwood, Winterberry, American Mountain Ash, Gray Dogwood, Silverberry, Inkberry, Common Juniper, Canada Yew, Bearberry

Winter food--Bittersweet, American Highbush Cranberry, Glossy Black Chokeberry, Viburnums, Northern Bayberry, Sumacs, Red Chokeberry, Common Snowberry, Wolfberry, Coralberry, Wayfaringbush, Nannyberry, Spicebush

Butterfly, Bee & Moth - New Jersey Tea, Buttonbush, Sweet Pepperbush, Spicebush, Pussy Willow, Narrowleaf Meadowsweet, Wolfberry, Coralberry, Preston Lilac, Old-fashioned Weigela, Dill, Asters, Sweet William, Sweet Pea, Sweet Marjoram, Black- eyed Susan, Scarlet Sage, Hollyhock, Indian Hemp, Intermediate Dogbane, American Columbine, Swamp Milkweed, Prairie Milkweed, Common Milkweed, Butterflyweed, New England Aster, Turtlehead, Tickseed Sunflower, Joe-Pye Weed, Purple Coneflower, Fireweed, Oxeye Sunflower, Lupine, Prairie Blazingstar, Gayfeather, Gay Goldenrod, Cardinal Flower

Groundcovers - Straw Lily, Violet Wood Sorrel, Partridgeberry, Wintergreen, Blue Wood Sedge, Wild Ginger, Golden Ragwort

Vines - Trumpet Creeper, Trumpet Vine, American Bittersweet, Coral Honeysuckle, Virginia Creeper, Woodbine, Wisteria, Riverbank Grape

Grasses and Legumes - BIndiangrass, Little Bluestem, Sideouts Grama, Prairie Milkvetch, Switchgrass, White Prairie Clover, Purple Prairie Clover, Prairie Cordgrass, Northern Dropseed, Junegrass

Illinois offers a diversity of landscapes in the prairie state from Chicago's Lake Michigan shoreline to the fertile soils of the heartland, to the forests and wetlands of the state's southernmost boundaries. The Illinois Native Plant Society can provide lists of plants for a specific region.

For more information on improving your wildlife habitat, visit the WindStar Wildlife Institute web site. On the web site, you can also apply to certify your property as a wildlife habitat, register for the "Certified Wildlife Habitat Naturalist e-Learning course, become a member and sign up for the FREE WindStar Wildlife Garden Weekly e-mail newsletter.


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