Skippys Home Page
Mini parts list.
20 gal tub
1 inch PVC pipe for the Mini-Me Filter.
1 - PVC tee.
3 - PVC elbows.
2 inch floor shower drain. and cement glue.
1 - plastic egg crate, cut to size.
Filter medium = 1 bag.
quart of dirty water / bacteriea
for 100 gal + see home page for parts list and instructions.
Mini - 30 gal filter = 750 gal.
70 gal filter < 2000 gal. pond
100 g f < 3000
150 g f < 4500
Mini tank you will need: 1 bag
70 gal. stock tank = 3 bags
100 g = 4 bags
150 g = 5 bags
The Rubbermaid stock tank is bulky and costs a bunch to ship. You can find them at your local farm supply or feed store. For the "Mini-Me" Filter, use a 20 gallon plastic barrel liner found at most Home Improvement or Garden Centers.
Skippy's Bacteria. Once the Skippy filter is built and up and running, use this wonderful beneficial bacterium to spike the filter and start the biological process. Note: Ponds over 5000 gallons may require an additional quart to fully establish the bacteria colony. Existing ponds that contain a lot of algae, sludge or other organic matter may require a dose or 2 of Skippys Enzymes. ***
The filter must be large enough to produce the desired effect on the entire pond. The filter media is very important. To be effective it must trap the organic matter, hold it long enough for the biological process to take place and then release the left over mineral matter. Much of the available media that is sold just does not do that. We recommend Skippys Media. The filter is very important in our quest for a balanced pond, but other factors also apply and are helpful... Higher forms of plant life in the pond and around the pond will help keep the algae growth under control by taking away the available nitrogen and by also shading the pond. Add plants that you like and add lots of them. When using a good biological filter it works great to put plants right into the filter on top of the media
Note: You will need some patience. Not now, but when you get the filter up and running. Under ideal circumstances... good weather, right bacteria, etc. Mother Nature takes her time. It may take from 4 to 8 weeks before the first cycle happens. Green to Clear. The pond needs to turn green for the bacteria to begin its magic. Do not be surprised if it cycles several times, but wait it out, don't clean, relax and it will happen for you. Here are a few things that will hinder progress... Using any of the following: Chorine in the water or any other additive that kills bacteria, cleaning it, pond decorated with either limestone or sandstone. This type of mineral matter is soft and erodes easily. The suspended particles will attract algae and/or your water will always be murky. Hint: Grand Canon and the mighty muddy Colorado River. This is a good time to start helping your pond to balance. Along with regular doses of beneficial bacteria, you should be adding plants.
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